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经营项目:International Trade Shows

国际游乐园及景点协会 IAAPA

国际游乐园及景点协会(简称国际游协)是世界上最大型同类组织机构,总公司设于美国首府华盛顿,已有90多年历史。国际游协每年所举办的三个地区性展览会:北美洲-国际游乐园及景点协会游艺博览会IAAPA Attractions Expo-IAE(每年11月),欧洲景点博览会Europe Attractions Show-EAS(每年10月)及亚洲景点博览会 Asian Attractions Expo-AAE(每年6月)都是景点旅游业界内最大型的展览会。欧、亚洲的展会每年更在不同国家区域展出。其中展览会所举办的会议及课程更是独一无二,为业界注入生命力亦带领大家走到国际舞台上。国际游协的游艺博览会把创意、交流、策略、管理、产品、技术、买家、供应商等全部汇聚一堂,各展会上设有的研讨会、教育会议及考察游都是世界级的。国际游协更专为业界开拓景点管理学院 Institute for Attractions Managers,培育专才,成就非凡,为业界所推崇。

国际游协会员 IAAPA Membership

国际游协全球有高达5000会员,除了美国本土境内大部分乐园、景点设施也是IAAPA会员外,其他会员分布在90多个国家。会藉包括乐园及设施、供应商、个别会员及青年专业会员等。登记成为国际游协会员,即可享有多重会员独享优惠,包括展览场地及门票优惠价。其他会员专享经验有:每月免费网上专题讲座  Webinar 、每工作天发出的景点旅游业最新信息  News Flash 、会员独有月刊 FUNWORLD、专题证书课程 Specialized Certification Programs、专业行政人员特训管理学院。

Business:International Trade Shows

Company Profile:

The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) is the largest international trade association for permanently situated amusement facilities worldwide and is dedicated to the preservation and prosperity of the amusement industry.

IAAPA represents more than 4,000 facility, supplier, and individual members from more than 90 countries, including most amusement parks and attractions in the United States.

Member facilities include amusement parks, theme parks, waterparks, family entertainment centers, zoos, aquariums, museums, science centers, resorts, and casinos.

IAAPA hosts three trade shows worldwide focused on the amusement park and attraction industry–IAAPA Attractions Expo, Asian Attractions Expo, and Euro Attractions Show. Each is the premier attractions industry trade show in its region.


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